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LCIA Method Data set: Photochemical ozone formation - human health (en) en
Key Data Set Information
Name Photochemical ozone formation - human health
Belongs to: Name of LCIA methodology/ies
  • Environmental Footprint
Impact category/ies
  • Photochemical ozone creation
Impact indicator Tropospheric ozone concentration increase
General comment Only for Europe. Includes spatial differentiation.
External documentation / files source
Quantitative reference
Reference quantity
Time representativeness
Reference year 2017
Duration of modelled impact time independent
Geographical representativeness
Intervention location RER
Impact location RER
Geographical representativeness description Valid for Europe (spatial differentiation included).
Impact model
LCIA characterisation model(s) name(s) LOTOS-EUROS
LCIA characterisation model description and included sub-models Considering a marginal increase in ozone formation, the LOTOS-EUROS spatially differentiated model averages over 14000 grid cells to define European factors.
LCIA characterisation model source
Considered environmental or other mechanisms along the impact chain Consideration of VOC and NOx emissions.
LCIA method(ology) flowchart
Use advice for data set Representative for Europe.
LCIA method, normalisation, weighting
Type of data set Mid-point indicator
LCIA method principle(s)
  • other
Deviation from LCIA method principle(s) None
Normalisation included? No
Weighting included? No
Data sources
Data sources
Number of basic inventory items covered 132
Type of review Scope / Method(s) of review Review details Reviewer name and institution Subsequent review comments Complete review report
Independent review panel
Scope name Method name
Model for Transport and Fate
  • Cross-check with other LCIA method(ology)
Model for Exposure
  • Cross-check with other LCIA method(ology)
Characterisation factors
  • Cross-check with other LCIA method(ology)
Application of model
  • Cross-check with other LCIA method(ology)
  • Cross-check with other LCIA method(ology)
Methods and characterization factors are well documented and accessible. Characterization models and input data not easily accessible. High environmental relevance (human health only). Comprehensive spatial differentiation at the European scale. Moderate stakeholder acceptance. Dutch government supporting the method. Potentially adaptable to generate characteriation factors for other continents if complemented by global models.
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set
Project LCIA method original development within the ReCiPe project (see Documentation as ILCD formatted data set, mapping to the ILCD elementary flows, and additional quality checks by the EC’s JRC-IES and with contractual support projects, partly financed under several Administrative Arrangements on the European Platform on LCA - EPLCA' between JRC and DG ENV, (070402/2006/443456/G4, 070307/2007/474521/G4, 070307/2008/513489/G4).
Intended applications Provide applicable spatially differentiated midpoint characterization factors for photochemical ozone formation in Europe (impacts on human health).
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2016-12-20T15:25:19.279+01:00
Data set format(s)
Reference to origin of data set
Data entry by
Official recommendation
Recommendation level of LCIA method data set Level II
Publication and ownership
UUID b5c610fe-def3-11e6-bf01-fe55135034f3
Date of last revision 2022-06-17T00:00:00
Data set version 02.01.000
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Owner of data set
Copyright Yes
Access and use restrictions The data set can be used free of charge by anybody to perform LCA studies, to distribute it to third parties, to convert it to other formats, to develop own data sets etc. as long as the copyright and license conditions for the ELCD data sets and the ILCD format are met that can be accessed via and are part of the ELCD database distribution package. Please note e.g. that reference must be given to the 'Owner of data set' (who may have additional copyright and license requirements on the particular data set that are to be met) and to the 'ELCD database' plus version number, when using the data set or parts thereof. Please note also that any modifications/omissions of the data set results in invalidity of any existing 'Official recommendation of data set by governmental body', that the impression must be avoided that this would still be an original ELCD data set, and that the content of further fields may have to be adjusted. For details see the aforementioned copyright and license conditions as well as those the 'Owner of data set' may have put into force.
Flow Classification Location Exchange direction Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % Data derivation type / status Deviating recommendation Reference to data source(s)
not available Output 1.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0152 % Calculated
not available Output 0.115 % Calculated
not available UA Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.08 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0997 % Calculated
not available RO Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.81 % Calculated
not available HR Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available SK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.53 % Calculated
not available PL Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available FR Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available UA Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24 % Calculated
not available PT Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available UA Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.164 % Calculated
not available Output 0.699 % Calculated
not available RU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available GB Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.235 % Estimated
not available Output 0.877 % Calculated
not available Output 1.13 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0101 % Calculated
not available SE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49 % Calculated
not available Output 0.875 % Calculated
not available Output 0.253 % Calculated
not available GR Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available SI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.253 % Calculated
not available Output 0.519 % Calculated
not available HR Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available RO Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available HU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.16 % Calculated
not available Output 1.35 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24 % Calculated
not available RU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.782 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0101 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0101 % Calculated
not available PL Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available IE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.877 % Calculated
not available SE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.53 % Calculated
not available Output 0.649 % Calculated
not available Output 0.615 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0895 % Calculated
not available SI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49 % Calculated
not available SK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available IT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.16 % Calculated
not available SE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available HU Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 1.82 % Calculated
not available Output 1.82 % Calculated
not available PT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available NO Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available NL Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available RU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available IE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 1.81 % Calculated
not available Output 0.694 % Calculated
not available RO Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.407 % Calculated
not available IT Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.676 % Calculated
not available Output 0.649 % Calculated
not available CS Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available FR Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.948 % Calculated
not available Output 0.292 % Calculated
not available Output 0.699 % Calculated
not available CZ Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available GB Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available DE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available NL Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.694 % Calculated
not available Output 1.13 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.0152 % Calculated
not available Output 0.914 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.89 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24 % Calculated
not available Output 0.662 % Calculated
not available Output 0.672 % Calculated
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not available AT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.29 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.686 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.08 % Calculated
not available BE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.731 %
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not available Output 0.676 % Calculated
not available RO Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 1.13 % Calculated
not available BY Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.356 % Calculated
not available EE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available LV Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.674 % Calculated
not available LU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.94 % Calculated
not available Output 0.914 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.08 % Calculated
not available Output 1.08 % Calculated
not available Output 0.699 % Calculated
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not available ES Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available LT Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available EE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available SK Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available CS Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available MK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.08 % Calculated
not available FI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available CZ Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available SE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available MD Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SI Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 2.14 % Calculated
not available DE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.875 % Calculated
not available Output 0.674 % Calculated
not available Output 1.94 % Calculated
not available Output 0.709 % Calculated
not available SE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.368 % Calculated
not available DK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.686 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0895 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available UA Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available UA Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available PL Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.809 % Calculated
not available SI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.772 % Calculated
not available Output 0.672 % Calculated
not available Output 0.828 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.546 % Calculated
not available Output 0.649 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.674 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.296 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.319 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.595 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0895 % Calculated
not available Output 0.253 % Calculated
not available Output 0.208 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.454 % Calculated
not available Output 0.926 % Calculated
not available Output 1.23 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.81 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.82 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.253 % Calculated
not available Output 0.755 % Calculated
not available Output 1.81 % Calculated
not available Output 0.476 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.595 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.672 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.699 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.368 % Calculated
not available Output 1.52 % Calculated
not available Output 0.652 % Calculated
not available Output 0.519 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.0422 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.253 % Calculated
not available Output 0.549 % Calculated
not available Output 0.549 % Calculated
not available Output 0.615 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0997 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.546 % Calculated
not available Output 0.828 % Calculated
not available Output 0.755 % Calculated
not available GR Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available RU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0456 % Calculated
not available Output 1.65 % Calculated
not available Output 0.407 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49 % Calculated
not available Output 0.755 % Calculated
not available HR Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.549 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0456 % Calculated
not available HU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.875 % Calculated
not available LT Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available LU Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 1.84 % Calculated
not available LV Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.465 % Calculated
not available Output 0.236 % Calculated
not available IE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.809 % Calculated
not available Output 0.519 % Calculated
not available Output 0.672 % Calculated
not available PL Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available IT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.42 % Calculated
not available UA Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available PT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.546 % Calculated
not available Output 0.649 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0456 % Calculated
not available LV Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.519 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0456 % Calculated
not available LU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available LT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.407 % Calculated
not available Output 0.608 % Calculated
not available NO Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.208 % Calculated
not available MD Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available NL Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available MK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available UA Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.608 % Calculated
not available Output 1.84 % Calculated
not available Output 0.407 % Calculated
not available MD Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.868 % Calculated
not available MK Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.868 % Calculated
not available Output 1.78 % Calculated
not available NL Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.277 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.159 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.667 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.78 % Calculated
not available Output 1.52 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.3 % Calculated
not available Output 1.34 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.546 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.407 % Calculated
not available Output 2.23 % Calculated
not available Output 1.72 % Calculated
not available Output 0.179 % Calculated
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not available MK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.65 % Calculated
not available Output 1.23 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.48 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.44 % Calculated
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not available AL Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.94 % Calculated
not available Output 0.828 % Calculated
not available PL Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.049 % Calculated
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not available PT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.667 % Calculated
not available Output 0.684 % Calculated
not available Output 1.89 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.505 % Calculated
not available IE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available FR Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.297 % Calculated
not available LV Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.814 % Calculated
not available FI Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available HU Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.318 % Calculated
not available LU Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.144 % Calculated
not available LT Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.296 % Calculated
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not available BG Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SI Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.595 % Calculated
not available IT Output 0.0811 % Calculated
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not available LT Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.809 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.709 % Calculated
not available BA Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.686 % Calculated
not available SE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.595 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.87 % Calculated
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not available LV Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.6 % Calculated
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not available Output 2.19 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.208 % Calculated
not available Output 0.368 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.782 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.05 % Calculated
not available Output 1.81 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 1.08 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.752 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.164 % Calculated
not available Output 1.01 % Calculated
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not available RO Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available NL Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available Output -0.155 % Calculated
not available Output 1.05 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.649 % Calculated
not available Output 1.01 % Calculated
not available SE Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.699 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.368 % Calculated
not available Output 1.42 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.926 % Calculated
not available Output 0.277 % Calculated
not available Output 0.164 % Calculated
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not available BA Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.676 % Calculated
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not available HU Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available BE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available BA Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available BG Output 0.0811 % Calculated
Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified Output 0.765 % Calculated
not available Output 0.765 % Calculated
not available BY Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available FI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.06 % Calculated
not available Output 0.816 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.82 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.81 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.948 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.07 % Calculated
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not available GR Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available EE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.297 % Calculated
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not available FI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0101 % Calculated
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not available LU Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.686 % Calculated
not available ES Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available LV Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 1.08 % Calculated
not available Output 1.69 % Calculated
not available RU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available BY Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available IE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available LV Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available PL Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available LU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available ES Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.412 % Calculated
not available RO Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available LT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available CS Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available MD Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available BE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available BG Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available HR Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available CZ Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available BA Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available CH Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available SE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.752 % Calculated
not available FI Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 1.69 % Calculated
not available MK Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 1.01 % Calculated
not available HU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.292 % Calculated
not available EE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available DE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available HU Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available HU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available PT Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available GB Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available BY Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.519 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0152 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63 % Calculated
not available AT Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.603 % Calculated
not available ES Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.144 % Calculated
not available SE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available HR Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.48 % Calculated
not available SK Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available SI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.914 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.0456 % Calculated
not available Output 0.608 % Calculated
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not available SK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.78 % Calculated
not available Output 0.814 % Calculated
not available Output 0.694 % Calculated
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not available BG Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available CH Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.615 % Calculated
not available Output 0.652 % Calculated
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not available Output 2.16 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.0811 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.23 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.35 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.0101 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.0152 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.44 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.63 % Calculated
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not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available GB Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available HR Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available AL Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available HU Output 0.0811 % Calculated
Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available AT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available IT Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available EE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available PT Output 1.0 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.318 % Calculated
not available Output 1.89 % Calculated
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not available GR Output 1.0 % Calculated
Elementary flows / Emission to air / unspecified Output 2.33 % Calculated
not available Output 0.115 % Calculated
not available Output 0.662 % Calculated
not available Output 0.782 % Calculated
not available Output 1.87 % Calculated
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not available Output 0.672 % Calculated
not available Output 0.277 % Calculated
not available Output 1.89 % Calculated
not available Output 0.772 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0389 % Calculated
not available IT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.476 % Calculated
not available Output 1.81 % Calculated
not available Output 0.649 % Calculated
not available Output 2.33 % Calculated
not available LU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available LT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available LV Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0101 % Calculated
not available Output 1.53 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0101 % Calculated
not available MD Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63 % Calculated
not available Output 0.353 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24 % Calculated
not available Output 0.144 % Calculated
not available RU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.81 % Calculated
not available Output 0.236 % Calculated
not available Output 0.772 % Calculated
not available Output 0.926 % Calculated
not available Output 0.603 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9 % Calculated
not available RO Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.615 % Calculated
not available Output 0.814 % Calculated
not available SE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.159 % Calculated
not available Output 2.16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.694 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0101 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49 % Calculated
not available GR Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.00845 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63 % Calculated
not available Output 0.686 % Calculated
not available Output 1.23 % Calculated
not available Output 0.00845 % Calculated
not available HR Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available IE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.914 % Calculated
not available HU Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63 % Calculated
not available Output 0.877 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available IT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available IE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.35 % Calculated
not available Output 2.33 % Calculated
not available UA Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.72 % Calculated
not available Output 2.33 % Calculated
not available PL Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available ES Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0456 % Calculated
not available PT Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.834 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0101 % Calculated
not available Output 0.179 % Calculated
not available Output 1.53 % Calculated
not available Output 0.179 % Calculated
not available Output 1.29 % Calculated
not available Output 0.615 % Calculated
not available Output 0.115 % Calculated
not available Output 1.29 % Calculated
not available Output 1.01 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.01 % Calculated
not available FR Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.826 %
not available Output 1.01 % Calculated
not available Output 0.356 % Calculated
not available Output 1.82 % Calculated
not available Output 1.07 % Calculated
not available Output 0.292 % Calculated
not available Output 0.159 % Calculated
not available Output 0.834 % Calculated
not available Output 0.877 % Calculated
not available FI Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.948 % Calculated
not available UA Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available GB Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.07 % Calculated
not available Output 0.353 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0152 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.709 % Calculated
not available RO Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 0.752 % Calculated
not available NL Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available UA Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available NO Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available CS Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available CH Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.752 % Calculated
not available Output 0.731 % Calculated
not available Output 0.115 % Calculated
not available Output 1.34 % Calculated
not available Output 1.13 % Calculated
not available Output 0.292 % Calculated
not available Output 1.05 % Calculated
not available CZ Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.44 % Calculated
not available Output 1.34 % Calculated
not available Output 0.667 % Calculated
not available MK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63 % Calculated
not available Output 0.454 % Calculated
not available DE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.07 % Calculated
not available SI Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available SK Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available DK Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0541 % Calculated
not available SK Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available SI Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available EE Output 1.0 % Calculated
not available SE Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available RU Output 0.0811 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.159 % Calculated
not available Output 0.235 % Estimated
not available SE Output 0.0811 % Calculated